Dowsing is a practice that attempts to locate hidden water wells, buried metals or ores, gemstones, or other objects as well as so-called “currents of earth radiation ” without the use of scientific apparatus.

Pendulum Dowsing is an ancient form of divination; the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of a standardized process or ritual. Any object dangled from a string will work. In a pinch I have used a necklace with a pendant or a string with a paper clip. Once, on the trail, I rigged together a rock and a twig.

Dowsing Rods are metal devices that usually have a 90 degree angle, or an “L” shaped bend for handles which allows the rods to split open to reflect size magnitude and location of energy. Metal hangers can also be shaped into inexpensive dowsing rods.

Pendulum or Instrument Selection

Be sure to select the device that you are magnetically drawn to. The pendulum’s attractiveness through your eyes or sense of touch will be a strong indicator of its ability to be a conduit of energy for you. It may take a while to find the right piece, but be patient and trust. Ask it if it is meant to work with you and will it serve your intended purpose. The right one is always worth the wait!

The next step is cleansing the pendulum and attuning the energy to you. There are many ways to cleanse your new piece such as smudging with sage, burying it in sea salt, rinsing in water, bathing under sunlight and moonlight, preferably a full moon. I also use Reiki on each pendulum before use.

To attune, raise the piece to your crown chakra and intend that it will provide clear and accurate guidance from your highest self, your guides and guardian beings. Next hold the pendulum to your heart and affirm that the guidance is always love based and all sessions are sacred. Add any prayers or mantras of your choice too!

Uses for Dowsing

I use pendulum dowsing more as a way to demonstrate and validate chi energy rather than using it as a method of psychic reading or predicting. I will scan my client’s energy either in person or at a distance and describe what I am feeling. Then I follow up with the pendulum in the aura to visually illustrate my findings. You can dowse the energy of a room, barn or kennel too.

I frequently use dowsing to test products and supplements that are a match for my clients. I do this with the diagrams on my Animal Chakra Charts. It has been extremely helpful although not 100% accurate in testing for food sensitivities and the best diet choices. Some communicators also use it over a map when trying to locate missing pets.

You can also use the pendulum to clear and run healing energy. The dowsing page on the Animal Chakra Charts was designed with that purpose in mind. The healing wheel in the center of the chart contains the symbols for yin/yang, chakra and 5-element balance.

Cat Lovers Beware: Your cats may think your pendulum is the consummate cat toy so be prepared for them to bat at it!

Click here to learn more about or purchase your own Animal Chakra Pendulum Chart.