Hannah is a beautiful Golden Lab and like many of our beloved dog companions, she is starting to feel her journey through time on earth in her physical body. Her caring and conscientious mom called me for an appointment to see how we could best support her. I had such a beautiful feeling right away when I tuned into them both. I could see the many angels gathered around them and I felt the deep soul level connectedness these two have shared for lifetimes. I knew I was going to love this session, I just didn’t know how much!

The first thing Hannah said was she is smarter than me. This is one of the things I love about talking to pets. They are frank in their unconditional loving nature and I took no offense to that comment. In fact, I had to agree with it. Then I intuitively heard mom’s voice say, “They age too fast!”

Hannah replied to her mom’s whisper, “Don’t worry, we never really age. We go into the light then come back new and different. By the way, you do too.”

Then she flashed me a scene of her as a puppy running in circles chasing her tail. “Remember this!”

Mom got Hannah a little later in life so she missed out on some of the super cute puppy antics. Hannah suggested doing a rebirthing ceremony to help repattern some structural stuff in the body and so mom could experience her youthful exuberance. After the session mom did notice a bit more spring in her step.

A short while later she sent me this message:

I went to the movies this week and they had a trailer for A Dog’s Purpose. The interesting thing? This is what Hannah said to you about going to the light and coming back. She said this when I was thinking she was leaving me and didn’t want her to go away because I love her soooo much. This is the movie’s story – that they go to the light and come back as another dog to be with people…This is pretty amazing to me. I am floored that Hannah said this and now I see it on the screen! Just needed to share with you as no one else but Hannah and you would understand. ~Hannah’s Mom